kinda development

Get ready to achieve your dreams with the distinguished Kinda Development company! We are here to provide highly attractive services in the fields of real estate investment, general contracting, engineering consulting, and finishing
Decoration, supply and installation of building materials.

Taha Nouh Foundation

  • 01Real estate investment
  • 02General Contracting
  • 03Finishing and decoration
  • 04Engineering consulting
  • 05Supply and installation of marble
  • 06Supplying all building materials
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Real estate investment

Kinda development for real estate investment! We offer realistic and attractive opportunities, as we are distinguished by careful market analysis and careful project selection.

General Contracting

Kinda Development boasts a ten-year history in the field of contracting and construction, where we provide integrated services with the highest standards of quality and professionalism. 

Finishing and decoration

Kinda Development, which specializes in finishing and decoration, shines with exceptional skill and creativity spanning a decade. We provide our customers with a unique experience.

Engineering consultances

Kinda Development Engineering Consultations combines beauty and efficiency in providing distinguished engineering solutions. We care about designing inspiring and effective experiences for our customers.

installation of marble

“Kinda Development takes experience and quality as two pillars in the field of exporting, supplying and installing marble. We offer a wide variety of high-quality marble, with a specialized team .

Supplying building materials

Kinda Development is a company specialized in supplying all building materials at competitive prices. We offer a wide range of high quality products at low cost, committed to meeting our customers’ needs flexibly and efficiently.

What distinguishes Taha Nouh Foundation?

She shines in the world of real estate investment, general contracting, and finishing and decoration arts, where she undertakes to provide smart engineering consultations. With a history spanning a decade, we have proudly provided luxury marble supply and installation services, earning us the attention and trust of customers.

Experience and history
Our distinguished team in the field of finishing and decoration is distinguished by deep knowledge of the latest interior design trends. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality finishing services, and we pay attention to design details that reflect your unique taste.
Good interaction with customers
Contact us today for a free consultation and to determine the details of your customized package, as we work hard to create a masterpiece that reflects your dreams and needs.
Reputation and credibility
Thanks to our network of partners and suppliers, we benefit from the best materials at competitive prices. We strive to achieve a perfect balance between prices and quality, making us a premium choice in the finishing market.

Why choose us?

We have been providing the best services since 2010

An integrated real estate investment and general contracting company, committed to achieving our clients’ visions with the highest levels of quality and professionalism. We provide unique finishing and decoration services, supported by specialized engineering consultations.


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Opinions from our customers

We offer unconventional solutions, combining all the most advanced possible technologies

Osama Al-Tayel

One of the best companies I have dealt with and delivery on time

Basma Mowafi

The best treatment was with them, they were very respectful, and the decorations I received were exactly as requested. Thank you