installing artificial marble 

installing artificial marble 

installing artificial marble is a type of artificially made material that resembles natural marble. Artificial marble is installed by mixing ground marble grains with artificial materials and dyes to obtain an appearance and texture similar to natural marble.

Installing marble, especially artificial marble, is a technical process that requires skill and precision. We begin by preparing the surface on which the artificial marble will be installed, as it must be properly cleaned and prepared. After that, the artificial marble is measured and cut and prepared for installation.

If you want to install artificial marble, it is preferable to cooperate with specialists in this field to ensure a satisfactory result. You can search for artificial marble installation companies in your area and communicate with them. Here we recommend the Kinda company to you, as it is a pioneer in these industries and installations. 

Advantages of installing artificial marble 

installing artificial marble 
installing artificial marble

Kinda Company is distinguished by installing artificial marble through a work team with great experience in this field. Through Kinda Real Estate, you can obtain many other services by visiting its page from here . Here are the most important advantages of artificial marble:

  •  Aesthetic appearance: Artificial marble provides a wonderful aesthetic appearance similar to natural marble. Artificial marble can be customized in different colors and patterns to suit any interior design.
  • Durability: Artificial marble is durable, strong and can withstand daily use. It is resistant to scratches, stains and chemical effects, making it the perfect choice for high-traffic spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Ease of Maintenance Artificial marble is easy to maintain and clean. It can be easily cleaned using water and gentle soap, and does not require special chemicals to maintain its beautiful appearance.
  • Low cost Artificial marble is considered less expensive than natural marble, making it an economical choice for many people. In addition, artificial marble can be installed easily and quickly, which reduces installation costs.
  • Design Flexibility Artificial marble can be easily shaped to fit any interior design, can be used in cookware, bathrooms, countertops, walls and floors, and can be customized into different shapes and sizes.

If you are thinking about installing artificial marble, Kenda Company provides you with installing artificial marble, which can be an excellent option to achieve the aesthetic appearance and durability of the design.

Steps to install artificial marble

Installing artificial marble is the process of installing panels or small pieces of artificial marble on various surfaces such as floors, walls, and countertops. Artificial marble is installed using special adhesives and specific installation techniques. These are general steps for installing artificial marble:


 The surface on which the artificial marble will be installed must be cleaned and made sure that it is clean and level. The tools and materials necessary for installation must also be prepared.

 Measuring and cutting artificial marble

 The required dimensions of the artificial marble are measured and cut to a suitable size using appropriate cutting tools such as an electric saw or hand tools.

Processing artificial marble

Slabs or small pieces of artificial marble are cleaned and prepared for installation by removing any dirt or oils that may be on the surface.

Application of adhesives

 Appropriate adhesives are applied to the surface on which the artificial marble will be installed. The instructions of the adhesive manufacturer must be followed and applied correctly.

 Installation of artificial marble

 Slabs or small pieces of artificial marble are placed on the adhesive materials tightly and evenly.

Installing artificial marble 

After placing the artificial marble on the adhesives, it should be fixed well by gently tapping it with a flat tool such as a rubber mallet or a wooden mallet. You must ensure that the artificial marble is flat and parallel to the surface on which it is installed.

Cleaning and finishing after installing artificial marble

The surface must be cleaned well to remove any sticky residue or dirt. Special cleaners for artificial marble and soft cloths can be used to clean the surface.

 Final finishing

 A protective layer can be applied to artificial marble to protect it from stains and corrosion. Protective materials such as wax or clear lacquer can be used.


 Artificial marble must be maintained on a regular basis to maintain its appearance and quality. Artificial marble must be cleaned periodically and avoid using strong chemicals that may cause damage.

The importance of choosing a specialized company for installing marble

installing artificial marble 
installing artificial marble

Installing artificial marble requires skill and experience to get a good result. It may be better to hire specialists in installing artificial marble to ensure proper installation and high quality. It is an important process for improving the appearance of interior and exterior spaces. Although there are some potential disadvantages, its installation provides many advantages.

 It features a wide variety of colors and patterns, giving you the right choice to suit any interior design. It is also durable and resistant to scratches and damage, making installing artificial marble an ideal choice for high-traffic areas.

 In addition, the installation of artificial marble is easy to clean and can be relied upon to maintain its beautiful appearance for a long time. Artificial marble is also considered a more sustainable option compared to natural marble, as it is manufactured using environmentally friendly materials.

In this broad field, you can only find the Kinda Investment Real Estate Company, as it has a large and broad name and a good reputation that the Kinda Company enjoys above all other companies. Given these advantages, it can be said that installing artificial marble is an excellent option for improving the beauty and functionality of interior and exterior spaces.

Disadvantages of installing artificial marble

Despite these advantages, there are some disadvantages that you must take into consideration

Here are some of them: 

The product is artificial and unnatural

Although artificial marble mimics the look of natural marble well, it cannot offer the same natural beauty and detail as real marble, and a trained eye may have difficulty telling them apart, but the beauty and detail of natural marble cannot be replicated.

Heat sensitivity

 Artificial marble may be less resistant to heat compared to natural marble. Artificial marble may be damaged when exposed to high heat, such as placing hot utensils directly on it. Care must be taken and heat protectors must be used to protect artificial marble from damage.

Damage ability

Although synthetic marble is durable, it is not as durable as natural marble. Artificial marble may be subject to scratches, cracks, and damage when exposed to extreme pressure or rough use.

 High possibility of pigmentation

 Artificial marble may be more susceptible to staining due to strong stains such as coffee, tea, or acidic juices. These stains may be difficult to completely remove and may leave traces on the surface of the artificial marble.

Read more: How to install marble on facades


installing artificial marble 
installing artificial marble

 Artificial marble is manufactured using synthetic chemicals and materials, which means it is not as environmentally friendly as natural marble, may have a negative impact on the environment and may be less sustainable in the long term.

 Maintenance of artificial marble must be taken care of regularly to maintain its beauty and quality. Installing artificial marble can be a complex process that requires experience and skill. It may be best to seek the help of specialists in installing artificial marble to obtain an ideal and durable result.

Installing the sink under marble

Installing the sink under marble and the most important instructions

You can Installing the sink under marble by our company, which is Kinda Real Estate Company, which is strong and precise, as it is distinguished by the best features in the world of construction, as it is considered one of the best companies working in this field and is also a leader in the field.

We are also considered one of the companies that have a good reputation in this field, and this stems from the credibility of the work as well as the mastery in it. Therefore, if you want to obtain our services, you must follow this article of ours, which includes all the company’s services and the method of communicating with it, so that you are familiar with all the advantages that you will obtain. When dealing with our company.

Installing the sink under marble

Installing the sink under marble
Installing the sink under marble

Our company helps you install the sink under the marble through the best distinguished work team, as it is characterized by great experience in many of the fields provided by our company. The method of installing the sink in marble includes many steps taken by the labor team at our company, as it initially… The work team measures and works to determine the place to install the sink on the marble surface, and the place must be level and straight.

 In order to ensure that the basin is installed accurately and correctly, the labor team of our company, Kinda Real Estate, also uses a piece of paper or cardboard to trace the shape of the basin under this marble, and then after that, it cuts the paper and then places it on the marble. This step is to ensure Ensure that this basin fits in the designated place, and this is what Kinda Real Estate Company offers.

The most important steps for installing a sink under marble

Installing the sink under the marble can begin by following the following steps:

  • First, you must measure the height between the floor and half of the arm of the kitchen sink network, taking care and accuracy that the height is not more than approximately 41 cm, in order to avoid encountering any problems when installing all the connections at the bottom of the sink, in addition to facilitating the task of cleaning the network.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that the sink is suitable for its location, by installing it in the place designated for it, if the area of ​​the place is less than the size of the sink. It can also be cut to fit the size of the sink by Kinda Real Estate.
  • The basin is lifted and turned over, then the silicone material is added around it, and it is installed in the appropriate place, making sure to wipe off the excess silicone using a dry cloth.
  • Also, install all the bottom clips of the sink, then turn all the screws using a screwdriver.
  • Work on connecting the extension and drainage pipes, by connecting the water faucet in the place designated for it at the top of the sink to all of its extensions at the bottom of the sink.

How to put the drain strainer in place 

  • The drain strainer is also placed in place inside the sink, and secured using plumbing putty, taking care to remove excess paste around the strainer before installing the sink under the marble.
  • The inner strainer is placed inside the drain strainer and secured by screwing its rings onto the tail of the drain pipe.
  •  All extension lines for the faucet are also connected, making sure that water is delivered to the faucet.
  • Work on connecting all the lower pipes for the sink, which are pipes connected to all the sewer extensions in the ground. You can also work on installing these pipes by wrapping their rings and connecting them to each other.
  • The sink is tested by ensuring that there are no leaks along the extension or drainage pipes. When there is any leak, the rings must be tightened well until this leak stops.

How to change the kitchen sink drain lever

Installing the sink under marble
Installing the sink under marble

The sink network or drain trap can be defined as a ring of the sink’s drain pipe. It also resembles the letter P in its curvature and is located at the bottom of the sink. It also contains a quantity of water from the sink during its use. It works in a manner Great for preventing all the gases from the sewer system from rising up the sink.

It will also help in getting rid of any obstacles that can block the drainage path, so it is vulnerable to corrosion, which leads to leakage inside the lower drain connections. It is also worth noting that this trap consists of two or three parts, which are The trap, the arm, and the straight end of the tail. It is also worth noting that replacing the trap is a very easy process, and can be applied by following the following steps:

  • Work is done to prepare the area under the sink, by placing a bucket under the sink, and keeping some towels to dry the water.

How to remove the trap 

  • You must also begin by removing the trap, by unscrewing the ring that connects it to the sink hole, then pulling it down.
  • Remove the arm of the trap in order to install the basin under the marble from inside the lower wall of the basin. If the trap is stuck, it must be twisted back and forth while pulling it.
  • You must also ensure that the new trap fits in place of the old trap, and try to cut the arm with a saw, if it is longer than the old one. This is done through Kinda Real Estate, whose page can be visited here .
  • We are also working on installing all the parts of the trap, such as the arm and the tail, tightening the rings to connect them together, then connecting them to the special hole at the bottom of the sink, and connecting the tail to the hole inside the wall.
  • The tap is opened, and the water is allowed to flow through all the new extensions, taking care to ensure that there are no leaks inside the connections of the trap.

The most important instructions to follow before starting to install the sink

There are many instructions that must be adhered to before installing the sink under marble, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • Before purchasing a kitchen sink, it is necessary to measure the height of the kitchen sink grid arm.
  • Also, care must be taken to ensure sufficient extension of the sink connections according to the minimum height of the sink, as well as a U-shaped arm connection.
  • It is necessary to lower the drain hole in proportion to the sink.

Read more: Marble kitchen installation

The most prominent types of kitchen sinks by size

Installing the sink under marble
Installing the sink under marble

All shapes of kitchen sinks differ in terms of the number of sinks and depth in order to install the sink under marble. The most prominent of these shapes are the following:

One basin

After deciding on the appropriate type of kitchen sink from the types we mentioned previously, you must first determine the number of sinks as well as their size. The single sink design can be chosen for its ease and speed of cleaning as well as its low cost, in addition to the possibility of controlling the choice of the length and width of the sink. However, This type of sink may cause a problem for some people if there are many dishes that need to be cleaned, due to its small size.

Double sink

The second type of kitchen sink, based on size, is the double sink, which is considered the most common and used in modern kitchens, as it can be designed with two sinks of equal or different size and depth to suit your requirements.

At the end of the article, we talked about installing the basin under marble and the most important steps that are followed to install this marble.

install marble mechanically dwg

How to install marble mechanically dwg

 Many people ask about how to install marble mechanically dwg, as installing marble is one of the most important and sensitive matters that must be relied upon by a good company to complete it. The mechanical method is the most implemented and used method in this field

and we at Kinda Real Estate Company can We provide it to all our customers anywhere, and in this article we will learn together exactly how this is done and we will present with you many of the services provided in this regard.

How to install marble mechanically dwg

install marble mechanically dwg
install marble mechanically dwg

Installing marble mechanically is one of the common methods for installing marble on floors and walls. This method is characterized by strength and durability, and it also provides a flat and uniform surface in which iron corners are used that are attached to the walls with screws on one side and on the other side a vertical nail to connect and fix the marble to each other by using… This is called glue, and this method works to create a gap between the marble and the wall.

Many people want their site or home to be made with the best types of designs, modern shapes and modern decorations. Therefore, marble is considered one of the most luxurious and reliable stones at the present time, as it is installed through multiple methods, including mechanical marble installation. It is one of the best types that can be relied upon in all homes, cottages and villas, thanks to its multiple sizes, distinctive and diverse colors and shapes, as there are countless types and each type is used in the home in a variety of ways and suits all tastes.

Mechanical marble installation steps dwg

In the process of talking about how to install marble mechanically dwg, we will tell you about the installation method that we in our company adopt when installing marble for all our valued customers, including the following:

  • A perforation or gouge process (rocket incision) is carried out in the thickness of the marble from the top and bottom of the marble slab to insert the canopy or vertical nail with an adhesive to connect the marble slabs, and the end of the canopy is attached to the walls using a Fisher nail.
  •  We follow shop drawings that specify the dimensions of the tiles and determine the locations and heights of installing the iron angles.
  • We use iron angles and stainless steel or galvanized iron screws to avoid corrosion.
  • The entire facade is painted with cold bitumen to avoid gaps between the wall and the marble and create an environment for insects and fungi.
  •  It is preferable not to use black primer on the walls, but rather use cold bitumen as a base layer.

The walls are made of marble

  • The walls on which the marble will be installed must be made of brick or solid blocks to secure the iron corners well.
  • We prefer to install the first row of marble on an iron angle fixed to the wall to support the first row that carries the rest of the facade.
  • We place cement mortar behind the marble at a height of 1.5 meters to enhance strength and prevent cracks.
  • It may be necessary to install a thermal insulator between the marble and the walls. In this case, the iron fastening locations are calculated to ensure penetration of the thermal insulator. In the event of installation on a hollow block, Fisher screws designated for installation on this type of block must be used.
  • You can rely on us to receive this service so that you can install marble in the best possible ways by our distinguished team.

How to install marble mechanically dwg

install marble mechanically dwg
install marble mechanically dwg

In the process of talking about how to install marble mechanically dwg, we explain to you that the mechanical installation of marble is one of the specialized installation methods that we rely on at Kinda Real Estate and which we encourage to be done according to certain methods, and below we explain to you the method of work process: 

  • We make sure that the wall is insulated with bitumen, which prevents moisture and prevents the problem of insects gathering behind the marble.
  • The threads are tensioned to balance the marble being installed.
  • We install corners and attach them to the walls.
  • We make sure to perforate the marble with the missile and put in nails until it is fixed.

Instructions on how to install marble mechanically dwg

When we install marble mechanically, there are a number of standards that we rely on and follow at Kenda Real Estate. Below we will mention to you our most important and precise standards:

  • Good preparation: We make sure that the surface on which the marble will be installed is clean and level.
  • Use a suitable adhesive: We use adhesives specifically designed for marble to ensure good adhesion and adhesion.
  • Measurement and cutting of marble: We accurately measure the area and cut the marble to fit the intended surface.
  • Installing it flat: We make sure to place the marble flat and make sure the adhesive is distributed evenly.
  • Variation in color: We carefully select marble to avoid unwanted color differences.

Please refer to Kenda Real Estate, as they specialize in marble and real estate services, and through them you can obtain specific instructions for your project, ensure that you follow the best local and national practices, and know how to install marble mechanically dwg.

Mechanical marble installation price 

In the context of talking about how to install marble mechanically dwg, we must explain to you the prices of installing mechanical marble. It is worth noting that the prices of installing marble are very expensive in most companies and institutions that provide this service, and some of them also exploit the needs of customers in a bad way and get a lot of money from them. .

However, misuse of resources also occurs, and very poor types are chosen with very low quality in installation, and this is what makes the customer shocked in the end, as he discovers that in the end he has spent his money, time and effort in vain because not all companies have a high level of professionalism.

And honesty, and therefore we at Kinda Real Estate Company have been keen to provide you with this service at very special prices while maintaining the quality of services without any exploitation or negligence in this matter.

Cheap prices

In our company, we guarantee you cheap prices that do not compete with us, with the best marble materials and the best installation tools, which saves you the trouble of worrying and searching for companies that will undertake this task for you because we are here at the service and we care about your comfort

and we are also keen to provide many offers and discounts on services. Which we provide to our valued customers. If you are dealing with us for the first time, you will certainly repeat this deal again and again because we are considered the best in the marble installation market and the real estate market.

Read more: Marble kitchen installation

Mechanical advantages of marble installation

install marble mechanically dwg
install marble mechanically dwg

We have explained to you how to install marble mechanically dwg, and here we must explain to you the most important advantages that you will get when installing marble mechanically:

  • Ease and speed, as mechanical marble installation techniques save us a lot of time and effort, which makes us deliver the service to the customer in the fastest time.
  • Elegance, as marble adds a wonderful and attractive look to your home or place, and it has many and varied types that keep pace with current taste.
  • High quality, as installing it in this way helps in achieving professionalism and quality in the installation.

Thus, we have learned together how to install marble mechanically dwg. Contact us and tell us how we can help you so that we provide you with the best services and offers.

mechanical installation of marble

the mechanical installation of marble and the most important installation steps 

the mechanical installation of marble is one of the important things because many people want their home to be designed in the best ways, as well as modern decorations, as marble is considered one of the most luxurious stones at the present time and is installed in several different methods.

 Such as installing mechanical marble, which is considered one of the best types for work on the entire home, due to its many colors and different wonderful shapes, as there are countless types and each type is used in the home in a different way to suit all tastes.

mechanical installation of marble

mechanical installation of marble
mechanical installation of marble

The mechanical marble installation company is considered the best mechanical marble installation company, as we have a big name in the world of installing marble and granite of all kinds, as we do many of our own works, for example in terms of using marble to make a fireplace in the house.

 This is because it is characterized by its ability to withstand heat, but it is not resistant to stains, as it is available in many types to suit the decor of the room in which a fireplace is made, as it gives elegance to the house or villa and many other designs such as fountains, shower cabins, etc.

Steps to install marble mechanically 

Mechanical installation of marble is one of the installation methods that we follow in our company, which is carried out according to certain steps, which are:

  • Work is being done to insulate the wall with bitumen, which prevents the presence of moisture and the accumulation of insects behind this marble.
  • Work is also being done on tightening threads to create balance in this marble.
  • Install all corners and attach them to the wall.
  • Work is also being done on perforating the marble with a missile and placing many nails to secure it.

The most important advantages of using the mechanical method in installing marble 

There are several features specific to the mechanical composition of marble, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • It is suitable for all types of marble, all shapes and sizes, especially all large sizes of marble, which are very practical.
  • Also, the method of installing marble is by using the mechanical method, and all the angles are considered durable, meaning that they last a longer period than installing marble with a cement mixture.
  •  It is suitable for all buildings and towers of long lengths and heights, compared to the traditional method.
  • One of the advantages of mechanically stabilizing marble is that there is a void between the marble and the walls, which isolates the building from all external atmosphere and heat.

The most prominent disadvantages of mechanical marble installation 

Just as there are many advantages found in the mechanical installation method of marble, it also has many disadvantages, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • The high cost of installing it, compared to installing marble with a cement mixture, sometimes doubles, due to the use of iron corners and the costs of bitumen insulation.
  • It is also considered more difficult to install than the mixture method because it requires trained workers and technicians with the highest level of experience.

Tips for installing mechanical marble correctly 

mechanical installation of marble
mechanical installation of marble

There are several tips when using mechanical installation of marble, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • First, we must ensure that all the corners in which the marble is installed are strong and treated against rust, so that it can bear all the weights of the marble and not be exposed to falling from the facade.
  • It is also necessary to insulate all walls from being painted with bitumen and all insulating materials to prevent moisture and insects from forming behind the marble.

The most important steps for implementing stone and marble installation manually

There are several steps to carry out the process of installing marble manually, and the most prominent of these steps are the following:

  • The walls are sprayed with cement brick, using trowels or using a wall spray machine, until the stone adheres well to the walls during the installation process.
  • Work is also done to adjust the verticality of the wall, using a water level, a lamp, or a string balance. Marks protruding from the wall by up to 5 cm are weighed vertically by pulling a vertical string between these marks.
  • Any excess on the walls where the distance between the string and the wall is less than 5 cm will be destroyed.
  •  Installing an L-shaped iron angle at the bottom of the wall and weighing it horizontally using a pot and a water scale, and it can be weighed using a stature scale.
  • Installation mortar is also prepared by mixing cement, sand and water.
  • The mortar is transferred into the bucket next to the wall.

How to install wire GFB stones

  • Also, a wire must be installed in the stones from the back using dowel and glue so that it adheres to the mortar.
  •  Work on installing the first stone, which is at the top of the iron corner, and its edges are weighed vertically, using a water balance.
  • Work is also done on the mechanical installation of natural stone by finishing all the external facades of residential and commercial buildings. It is also considered one of the factors affecting the cost of finishing the building, as the cost of external facade finishing work ranges within approximately 8% of the total cost, which depends largely on the design. The facade of the building and the materials used in it.
  • Many customers tend to choose facade designs that contain natural stone, such as Riyadh stone, Jerusalem stone, Jordanian stone, or Chinese stone, or they choose facade designs that contain large pieces of marble or stones of large sizes, and this is what Kinda Real Estate Company offers, and you can visit its page from here .

How to install stone in the normal way 

There are several methods for mechanical installation of marble in the normal way, including the following:

  • The work on installing the stone is done in the traditional way by working on placing a cement mixture consisting of white cement or black cement mixed with fine sand or fine ground. This mixture works like glue in order to glue and install the stone on the facade of the building or the facades of the villas.
  • Then a special glue is placed between the stone pieces to ensure their adhesion to each other.
  •  Iron is placed in each piece of this stone to increase the bond of the stone to the cement mixture and the wall. This method is affected by many factors, including climatic factors such as extreme cold or very high temperature, which causes defects to appear in the installation of the stone and some of the stone pieces to fall from the facade if not. It is installed in the correct way and this is what Kenda Real Estate offers.

Read more: Advantages of Installing marble stairs

Methods of designing and implementing this stone

mechanical installation of marble
mechanical installation of marble
  • For all these reasons, the method of mechanical installation of stone, marble, or large pieces was designed and implemented. This method, in brief, is the installation of pieces of iron, as they are fixed on one side in the stone or marble and on the other side.
  •  It is also fixed in the building, and after that the space between the stone and the building is filled with a soft cement mixture or an insulating material. Thus, we will have added iron to reinforce and stabilize the stone, which ensures that it does not fall or even move from its place.

At the end of the article, we talked about the mechanical installation of marble and the best ways in which this stone is installed by Kinda Real Estate Company.

installing wall marble

How to installing wall marble

Kinda Company provides all architectural services related to the method of installing wall marble, as marble of its various types is a wonderful aesthetic appearance. When installed, it gives a sense of luxury and sophistication to the home, hotel destinations, and other places that care about the appearance of their external facade.

 Therefore, Kinda Company has provided various methods for the possibility of installing marble with high professionalism and professionalism in a way that suits customers, their choices, and their tastes. All installation services are provided by the company at low prices that cannot compete with other companies. Through this article, we will learn about the various methods of installing marble and its advantages.

How to installing wall marble

installing wall marble
installing wall marble

If you are looking for excellence, sophistication, and a modern style in installations at reasonable prices, you should only use Kenda Company, which specializes in displaying many different designs and shapes of marble through professional engineers and technicians who have extensive experience in the field of marble installation, and one of the most important things that the company pays attention to when following the method of installing marble walls. the next:

  • Performing work quickly and with high accuracy and adhering to all delivery dates specified with the client in the contract.
  • The company is distinguished by competitive prices that do not match the quality of its service provision.
  • The company is interested in providing all types of installation work.
  • It has the best trained and professional team working on installing marble on the walls with all skill and professionalism. 

How to install different wall marble

The company provides a diverse mechanism used in installing wall marble, to obtain marble installed with standard standards and various materials according to the customer’s desire and the methods he prefers, in addition to the prices of the different methods for installing marble, and these methods include the following :

The traditional method of installing wall marble

All tools and equipment are prepared by technicians before starting any step of the wall marble installation procedure, and these steps proceed as follows:

  • The walls are prepared in advance by spraying them with water to remove all dirt and dust stuck to the walls on which the marble is to be installed.
  •  All executive drawings of the shape and design agreed upon with the client are reviewed to be implemented with high skill and professionalism.
  • The marble slabs are placed behind the string, and the technician works to adjust the position of the marble slab horizontally and vertically through a tool called a water level, and the marble is fixed through gypsum until the first row of marble slabs is completed.
  • Delivery takes place after the customer inspects all the completed work, so that the customer can be assured of the final appearance of the wall .

Advantages of traditional methods of installing wall marble

  • Regular installation methods suit all different types of marble slabs.
  • Its budget is very small due to the limited materials used in installation.

Disadvantages of the traditional method of installing wall marble 

  •  Marble slabs absorb water present in the cement mixture (mortar).
  • The marble must be divided so that you can make the required decoration, cornices and columns.
  • Marble may disintegrate due to weak adhesives in the event of earthquakes and strong vibrations.

 How to install marble walls with adhesives

installing wall marble

Marble slabs can be installed using adhesives that help them stick to the wall, by following the following:

  • After completing the plastering stage, the marble slabs are installed on the wall.
  • The shell must be 100% flat and straight on the wall in order to be installed correctly.
  • Then the technicians start using an adhesive behind the marble slabs to ensure that they are installed well, as it does not take much time to install.

Mechanical method for installing wall marble

Kenda Company works to provide many different methods for installing marble slabs, such as the mechanical method, which has many features that customers prefer, and among the steps used to install marble:

  • First, specialized technicians work to insulate the walls by using an insulating material such as bitumen, or what is called asphalt, to isolate the wall from moisture and the presence of insects behind the marble slabs.
  • Strings are stretched vertically and horizontally on the wall after ensuring that the wall is insulated, so that the technicians can ensure that the wall is level to begin installing the marble slabs.
  • The technician begins by installing the corners. The technician is interested in installing the marble slabs from bottom to top based on the tensioned thread and the use of a water balance.
  • Then the marble is unloaded and holes are made from the bottom of the marble using a missile. They must be in sizes that match the size of the corners installed on the wall and are determined by the company’s engineers. Then the holes are filled with adhesive putty behind the marble panels and the corners are fixed with anchor bolts.

Steps to install marble using the mechanical method 

  • The stability of the marble slabs on the wall is ensured after completing the installation of the first row and fixing it mechanically through a water balance.
  • The upper corners are attached to the wall after completing the installation of the first row using nails and glue.
  • After completing the installation of the first row of marble slabs, it is cleaned well from any debris and excess adhesives or marble is sanded using a grinding rocket.
  • Before starting to install the second row of marble slabs, the places for installing the corners in the wall are drilled using a drill and then cleaned using air from the dust resulting from the drilling .

Advantages of using the mechanical method 

  • This method can be used for many types of marble, regardless of their shapes and huge sizes.
  • Using the mechanical method in installing wall marble is a longer-term method than installing marble in the traditional way using cement and gypsum.
  • This method is used to install marble slabs in high places such as skyscrapers.
  • Insulating the building from the effects of heat and humidity.

Disadvantages of the mechanical method of installing marble

  • The mechanical method of installing marble is considered very high compared to other methods, due to the use of iron angles and the insulating material used to glue the marble.
  • It requires specialized technicians trained with a high degree of skill and professionalism, which is provided by Kenda Company, to obtain luxurious marble.

Measurements between marble and walls

The distances between the marble and the wall are determined before starting any of the installation steps for any of the previous methods, to determine the length of the angles used, most of which range to:

  • The distance between the marble and the wall ranges from 5 to 7 cm and is made of galvanized iron or stainless steel
  • There are also different sizes available, such as 10 and 15 cm, but when installing marble on the walls, do not exceed a distance of 7 cm.
  • At the end of each corner there is a 6 cm long Fisher screw that is installed in the holes prepared to secure the marble to the wall.
  • Marble pieces located at the end of corners or where marble rows meet must be carved at a 45 degree angle.

Read more: Advantages of Installing marble stairs

Tips on how to install wall marble

installing wall marble
installing wall marble

Some instructions and warnings must be paid attention to when following any of the previously mentioned methods of installing marble. Therefore, the company must take care to provide customers with some tips that they must be aware of before choosing any of the methods, which are:

  • You must choose a type of marble with high quality material that is durable to save your savings.
  • You must choose a company that specializes in installing marble, and is sufficiently familiar with all the methods and steps followed in installing and finishing marble.
  • Choose the method that fits your specific budget.
  • Ensure that the walls are insulated using good insulating materials to prevent moisture and the formation of insect nests behind the marble slabs.

In conclusion, you must choose the method of installing wall marble that is appropriate for you and provided by the Kenda company, which works with high skill and professionalism.

Installing marble over ceramic

Installing marble over ceramic

Many people are searching for a way to install marble over ceramic, as the process of Installing marble over ceramic is one of the important processes and steps that must be completed perfectly in building and construction projects for various buildings

as the process of installing marble requires special and precise professional skills in order to ensure Obtaining a result with a high level of quality and efficiency, and all of this is available at Kinda Development Company, as we provide all installation services for different marble slabs on ceramic, floors, walls, and different surfaces. In this article, we present to you how to install marble on ceramic with good steps.

 Installing marble over ceramic

Installing marble over ceramic
Installing marble over ceramic

Kinda Development Company offers many marble and granite installation services, whether on ceramics, walls, floors and various facades, as marble is considered one of the finest materials that the company uses. If you want to perform the best level of home or company finishes, the ideal step is to contact our company, which It provides a range of the best services, including installing marble over ceramic by following the following steps: 

Surface cleaning

Cleaning the surface is considered one of the first steps in installing marble over ceramic. The ceramic must be cleaned well and then dried. The company uses a special marble cleaner until all dirt, fats and grease are eliminated from the surface.

Area measurement

It is necessary to measure the area that will be covered by the marble and to determine the exact dimensions that relate to the marble in each concentration.

Cutting marble

After completing this step, the marble is then cut to the required dimensions using a cutting machine. It is worth noting that the marble that was cut must be of correct and equal sizes so that it can be installed correctly.

Apply the adhesive

When installing marble over ceramic, a layer of adhesive is placed on the ceramic using tweezers or an adhesive comb. The adhesive is also distributed on the surface in an even manner, making sure that the best adhesive material for marble is used in this process. It is also ensured that there are no gaps or spaces. Empty.

Marble placement

The marble is then carefully placed on top of the ceramic, making sure that it is distributed evenly and regularly. It is necessary to press the marble gently with a rubber mallet to ensure that it adheres well to the adhesive.

Edge finishing

After finishing placing the marble on the ceramic, the edges are finished using finishing equipment and devices related to obtaining the best, cleanest and most professional edges.

Marble adhesive to ceramic

After we showed you the method of installing marble over ceramic, we present to you the best materials that are used to adhere marble to ceramic well, as these materials provide tremendous adhesive strength that fixes the marble safely and permanently for a long time on the ceramic surface, and there are a set of many important points about the material. Pasting marble on ceramic:

Specialized installation

Marble adhesive materials can come in different shapes, and the uses and properties of each of them also differ, as it is necessary to choose the appropriate material depending on the place and surface on which the marble will be installed. There are many adhesives in general, and there are those that specialize in marble adhesives.

Adhesion strength

One of the most important advantages that the adhesive possesses is its strength in adhesion, as it is necessary for the adhesive to the marble to provide a high degree of adhesion in order to ensure the stability of the marble on the ceramic without moving from its place or falling.

Moisture resistant

Installing marble over ceramic

Marble can be exposed to water or moisture after the process of installing marble over ceramic is completed. For this reason, the adhesive must be characterized by its great ability to resist moisture in order to ensure that it will not be negatively affected and continue to maintain its stability.

Ease of application

It is essential that marble adhesives are easy to apply, implement and distribute over the surface.

Fast drying

It is necessary for the adhesive to dry quickly in order to make it possible to continue the process of installing and finishing the marble on the ceramic, as quick drying helps save a lot of time and effort.

Cleaning and maintenance

The marble adhesive must be easy to clean and maintain so that the shape and beauty of the marble are maintained no matter how much time passes.

Planning and measuring before installation

Before the process of installing marble on ceramic begins, it is necessary to follow a strict plan of correct and organized planning and measuring in order to obtain the most accurate and strong results. Among the most prominent steps that must be followed in planning and measuring before the process of installing marble on ceramic are:

Area measurement

The area that the workers will cover with marble must be determined using the standard tape with precision in order to avoid any error in the calculations.

Determine dimensions

It is necessary that the dimensions of the marble be determined accurately by the cutting machine, and that no space or void should be left.


Before you begin the process of installing marble on ceramic, it is necessary to plan the space that must be covered with marble. You must also determine the type of marble suitable for placing on ceramic, and also plan how to install it and the tools and devices needed for that.


The surface on which you want to install marble must be well prepared by cleaning, polishing, and drying it with all care and care.


It is considered one of the most important steps of measuring and planning that takes place before the installation process, which is preparing all the tools, equipment and devices necessary for the process, whether it is the adhesive material, adhesive forceps, the adhesive comb, as well as the cutting device and finishing tools.

It is recommended that you pay attention to all the details of planning and measuring so that you can obtain the best professional and skillful results.

The best types of marble for ceramic installation

In addition to showing you how to install marble over ceramic, we present to you the types of marble that are used to install it over ceramic, as there is a large group of various types of marble that you can use in the process of installing ceramic, but you must choose from them what suits the project you want to undertake. The most prominent of these types are the following: 

Carrara marble 

It is a type of well-known Italian marble that is distinguished by its elegant white color, and it is one of the most common types of marble used to be installed on ceramics.

Calacatta marble 

Installing marble over ceramic
Installing marble over ceramic

It is similar to Carrara marble in terms of white color, but it has golden, gray, or brown flowers, and it is considered one of the most luxurious and expensive types.

Read more: Marble kitchen installation

Imperial Marble 

It is characterized by having a creamy white color and black lines that give a touch of elegance and luxury.

At the conclusion of this article, we have presented to you everything you would like to know about the method of installing marble over ceramic, which is considered one of the best services provided by our company. 

Installing marble with cement

How to Installing marble with cement by the largest real estate company, Kinda Development

There are various methods for Installing marble with cement in installing external facade tiles, and to ensure the optimal choice, all available options must be examined and analyzed. In this article, we will analyze the various methods for installing external facade tiles, with a focus on the technique of installing marble using innovative tiles.

We review the different methods for installing external facade tiles, and we also talk about the benefits of ODIFIX technology in installing marble.

The analysis shows that this technology contributes to providing an effective solution, as it provides high quality and superior security, in addition to sustainability and saving approximately 20% of the total cost of work on installing facades using the innovative ODIFIX brackets. An effective installation can be achieved that is commensurate with quality and safety requirements. The same time contributes to achieving significant cost savings.

Installing marble with cement

Installing marble with cement
Installing marble with cement

Kinda Developmen ,a Canadian company for installing marble for floors, shines with many advantages, as it is distinguished by its great interest in providing the best qualified human resources with high experience in the field of marble installation. We are also keen to provide a wide variety of the finest types of marble, while providing a huge library of images that ensure the presentation of our work. previous, which strengthens our position among the leaders.

When you contact us, we provide you with a comprehensive catalog containing all previous works in order to ensure details that occupy your minds and confirm excellence in services because we are one of the companies distinguished by providing marble installation services for floors, kitchens, walls

and cemeteries, and a professional work team characterized by speed and honesty, in addition to their creative ability in designing The marble is installed in a way that is in harmony with the space and at very affordable costs.

Kinda company’s steps in installing marble with cement

The steps followed by Kenda Company in installing marble with cement, especially when using cement:

  • Use of zero filler: The work team uses zero filler during the installation process to ensure that the marble does not fall in the future.
  • Installation materials suitable for light colors: When using light-colored marble, the work team should use white cement and white sand to ensure color consistency.
  • Insulating white marble: Insulating white marble, especially Greek marble, is done on the back using a cement insulation material through our company’s work team.
  • Follow the diagram, especially for Open Book marble: Installation technicians must follow the diagram precisely during the installation process, especially in the case of Open Book marble.
  • Correct cement mixture: It is preferable to check the cement mixture, and the ideal ratio is 2 liters of sand to 1 bag of cement, in addition to that our company also works greatly to provide thermal insulation.
  • Using Dry Pack Mortar: The explosive mixture is the best way to install marble, and cement and water are added to it before installing the marble slab.
  • Verifying the work on the plastic thread: You must ensure that technicians perform the work on the plastic thread to ensure accuracy of installation.

The importance of external facade finishing work

The importance of external facade finishing works associated with installing marble with cement is emphasized, as it is not limited to making the external decoration attractive only, but extends to include a group of profound advantages, including:

  • Weather Protection: Exterior finishes play an active role in protecting the interior of a building from the effects of harsh weather, enhancing durability and maintaining structural quality.
  • Improving the internal environment: External finishes contribute to improving the internal sound of buildings, especially in crowded areas, which contributes to providing a quiet and comfortable environment.
  • Providing thermal insulation: External finishing processes are one of the factors affecting the improvement of the building’s insulation, which limits heat transfer and improves the efficiency of thermal insulation.
  • In this way, the importance of finishing external facades lies in its effective role in preserving buildings and enhancing the comfort of residents inside them.

How to plan and measure before installing marble

Installing marble with cement
Installing marble with cement

Before starting to install marble with cement on ceramic tiles, the Kenda team focuses on careful planning and measuring to ensure accurate and durable results. Here are some basic steps that the company must follow:

  • Measuring the area: You start by determining the area that will be covered with marble using a tape measure. Measurements must be taken accurately to avoid errors in calculations and ensure that the marble fits correctly.
  • Determining dimensions: The cutting machine is used to determine the exact dimensions of the marble. Make sure to determine the dimensions accurately and adjust them accurately to avoid gaps or empty spaces.
  • Planning: This company develops an elaborate plan for the area to be covered with marble, focusing on choosing the appropriate type of marble. 
  • You plan the installation method and determine the tools needed to ensure an effective installation process.
  • By carefully following these steps, an elaborate marble installation can be achieved that meets expectations and fits perfectly into the target space.

The most important causes of facade marble falling 

The loss of the external facades associated with the installation of marble with cement is due to several reasons, the most prominent of which are:

  • Expansion of tiles due to heat: Fixing tiles with cement mortar is one of the main reasons, as marble is exposed to expansion due to high temperatures, which increases the chances of the facades falling.
  • Not using ODIFIX technology: This smart technology, which acts as a safety bulwark for the building facade, plays a vital role in reducing facade collapse, but not using it leaves the facade vulnerable to problems.
  • Using inappropriate adhesives: Choosing an ineffective adhesive can contribute to facade delamination, as the adhesive copes poorly with environmental changes.
  • Choosing a material that is not suitable for the environment: Choosing a finishing material that is not suitable for environmental conditions can lead to facades fading over time, especially in areas with harsh climatic conditions.

Advantages of Kenda Real Estate Company

There are many features that distinguish this company, which is considered one of the best companies working in this field, and these features are represented in the following points:

  • Strategic Guidance: The company provides thoughtful strategies to clients, whether investors or buyers, to ensure they make informed decisions that fit their real estate goals.
  • Commitment to innovation: Kenda Real Estate Company adopts innovation in providing services and employs the latest methods to meet the aspirations of customers in the world of real estate.
  • Use of technology: Kenda Real Estate’s modern approach is characterized by the use of modern technology in marketing and property management processes, which enhances the effectiveness of performance.

Read more: Installing marble stairs

The best material for pasting marble

Installing marble with cement
Installing marble with cement

The best marble adhesive material is the adhesive material that is designed specifically for marble. These materials come in a specific formula that gives it the qualities necessary to install and stabilize marble effectively and permanently. Among the most famous and best marble adhesive material it includes the following:

  • Epoxy materials are considered among the most effective materials that this company relies on in installing and gluing marble with cement, as they are characterized by durability as well as resistance to corrosion and moisture, which makes them ideal for marble in areas that are exposed to environmental influences and heavy use. This is due to the installation of marble with cement. .
  • Cement adhesive: Cement adhesive is characterized by its strength and cohesion, and it interacts well with the cement used to install marble.
  • Adhesives designed for marble: Special adhesives designed for use with marble are available. These materials contain components that interact well with the properties of marble.

At the conclusion of our article, we talked about many of the details and features that distinguish Kinda Real Estate Company, which is considered one of the best companies working in this field.

install marble on facades

How to install marble on facades

Many people are searching for How to install marble on facades, as Kinda Development Company offers a variety of various marble and granite installation services, as we offer the best and finest types of imported marble in all shapes and designs that suit all customer tastes and at the cheapest prices suitable for everyone.

We install marble on all internal and external facades of homes, companies and various institutions, through the best professional technicians and engineers who are skilled in the field of installing marble on various destinations with a high degree of efficiency and quality. In the lines of this article, we will present to you how to install marble on destinations.

How to install marble on facades

install marble on facades
install marble on facades

Kinda Development Company provides a range of marble installation services on various surfaces, walls and floors, as marble is one of the best types that our company relies on for its services. If you want to finish your home or company at the highest levels and quality possible, it is recommended that you Contact the company immediately to meet all your needs for various services. There are many ways to install marble on facades, as we show you the most prominent of these methods, including the following:

Installing marble on the facades manually

It is considered the best way to install marble on facades, especially external ones, as it is intended to fill the place behind the marble with cement mortar and install the marble manually. This is done by the best engineers and technicians specialized in this field by following an organized plan by following the following steps:

  • Cement is applied to the walls using a manual tool, namely a trowel or a wall sprayer. This step is done in order to adhere the stone well to the wall during its installation. 
  • After that, the verticality of the wall is adjusted by using a water level or a string balance, and the marks that protrude from the wall by 5 cm are weighed vertically by placing a vertical string between those marks.
  • Then any excesses in the wall where the distance between the thread and the wall is less than 5 cm are broken.
  • After completing this risk, an L-shaped iron angle is installed under the wall, which is weighed horizontally by relying on a height level and also a water level.

Steps for installing marble on facades

  • Then the company’s workers prepare the installation mortar, which is made by mixing cement with sand and water.
  • Then the prepared mortar is moved next to the wall. 
  • After that, a wire is attached to the back of the stone using dowel and glue until it adheres to the mortar.
  • Then the first marble stone is installed at the top of the iron corner and its edges are balanced vertically using a water balance.
  • The workers then fill the void behind the stone with cement mortar and sand, using a tamper.
  • The second stone is placed next to the first stone at a distance of 2 mm and weighed vertically.
  • The space behind the second stone is filled with cement and sand mortar using two trowels.
  • Thus, the method of installing marble on the facades is completed successfully and with the highest degree of quality, efficiency and professionalism.

Installing marble on facades mechanically

install marble on facades
install marble on facades

Canada Company provides marble installation services on facades with the best impressive results, including installing marble mechanically, which is meant by installing facade marble, which is attaching the marble slab to the walls using angles and iron columns inside the wall. This method is considered the best and most widely used, and it is used in it. Iron angles that are fixed to the walls using nails on one side and a vertical nail on the other hand until the marble is connected and fixed to each other using glue. This method creates a gap of about 2-5 cm between the marble and the wall.

How to install marble on facades mechanically

Our company’s workers provide mechanical services for installing marble on facades by following the following steps, including the following:

  • In the beginning, it is necessary for the place to be clean. Then the company’s technicians use the missile until a crack or perforation is made in the marble towards the top and bottom of the slab until the cane or vertical nail is inserted into the glue material in order to connect the marble to each other. Then the workers attach the end of the nail to the walls. .
  •  Then, executive drawings are made, in which the size and size of the tiles are determined, and the areas for installing the iron angles and their height are determined.
  •  It is recommended that all iron corners and screws be made of stainless steel or iron to avoid rust.
  •  The walls on which the marble will be installed must be made of brick or block in order to allow the iron corners to be installed well and not to be removed in any case.

Steps to mechanically install marble on facades

  •  The first row of marble panels is installed on a 5×5 iron angle and then fixed to the walls until the first row of marble is attached.
  •  It is necessary to fill with sand and marble behind the first 1.5 meters of marble, because of the void that exists behind the marble slabs, which can break easily if anything collides with it.
  • There are some cases in which thermal insulation is installed between the wall and the marble, and during this, the areas of the iron installation corners are taken into account in order to be included in the thermal insulation.

Advantages of installing marble on facades mechanically

This method contains many advantages, and therefore Kinda Development seeks to use this method widely in homes and various institutions because it is one of the best methods that results in the best level of quality and efficiency, and the most prominent features of this method are the following: 

  • Tiles can be removed or changed in case of breakage, or several joints behind the tiles can be changed very easily.
  • There is no change in the color of the marble, as would happen if the marble was installed on the facades using the traditional or manual method due to its interaction with the cement mortar.
  • This method is suitable for hot places where the expansion ratio of marble may differ from the coefficient of expansion of concrete, which results in broken tiles.

Read more: Marble kitchen installation

The importance of external facade finishing works

install marble on facades
install marble on facades

After we presented the method of installing marble on different facades, we present to you the importance that will come to you when you carry out finishing works on facades, especially external ones, through our company, as finishing works not only make the external decor attractive, but their importance goes beyond that, and among the most prominent reasons for their importance and benefits are the following: 

  • It protects the interior parts of the house or institution from all harsh weather factors, as choosing healthy and appropriate coverage helps preserve buildings from climate conditions.
  • Exterior facade finishing works improve the interior sound of buildings in crowded spaces.
  • It also provides thermal insulation.

At the conclusion of this article, we have presented to you everything you would like to know about installing marble on the various facades that our company provides with all quality and efficiency.

How to install marble

How to install marble by Kenda Company

We will conduct a multiple study of how to install marble on the external facades provided by Canada Real Estate Company. We will work to provide many of the best diverse and innovative services and their vital role in saving 20% ​​of the cost of installing the facades. Through our article, we will work on a comprehensive analysis of the quality, safety and sustainability provided by this… Advanced method.

How to install marble

How to install marble
How to install marble

Marble installation by Kinda Development Company, which specializes in many fields that include several steps, which are as follows:

  •  The surface of the facade is analyzed to ensure it meets the requirements of the marble installation, and the surface is then precisely prepared and flattened.
  • High quality adhesives are used to effectively secure the marble pieces. The tiles are carefully arranged at a precise angle to ensure even distribution and aesthetic appearance. 
  • The final touch is to clean the surface and confirm the straightness of the pieces for an efficient and beautiful installation result.
  • Canada Real Estate Company relies on a distinguished and experienced work team to install marble in order to adhere to high standards in order to ensure that the work is carried out accurately, which ensures the durability and quality of the marble installed on the external facade.

The company’s steps in installing marble

The latest technologies and tools are used to ensure accuracy of installation and avoid any potential problems in how the marble is installed, in addition to the following:

  • Attention is also given to aesthetic details to ensure that the marble appears harmonious and attractive on the exterior. 
  • Post-installation services are provided to ensure continuous maintenance and achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
  • By adopting a reputable marble installation company, distinctive marble installation on external facades can be achieved, taking into account quality and durability to ensure the continuity of aesthetic and functional results for a long time.

The importance of installing marble on external facades

How to install marble in external facades is of great importance due to the many benefits it offers:

  • Attractiveness and aesthetics: Marble adds an artistic and aesthetic touch to the exterior facades, which enhances the appearance of buildings and reflects heritage and luxury.
  • Resistance to environmental conditions: Marble has a natural resistance to environmental influences and weather conditions, making it an ideal material for use in exterior facades.
  • Durability and hardness: Marble is characterized by its strength and hardness, which makes it resistant to abrasion and damage resulting from environmental influences and external loads.
  • Design diversity: The availability of marble in a variety of colors and patterns allows for diversification and customization of designs, allowing integration with any architectural style.
  • Added value: The presence of marble on the exterior facades is a long-term investment, as it increases the value of the property and makes it more attractive to investors and buyers.
  • Installing marble in external facades represents a balance between beauty and practical performance, which contributes to improving the appearance of buildings and enhancing the quality and durability of the external structure.

How to install marble on facades by our company

How to install marble
How to install marble

You can learn how to install marble on the destinations by Kinda Development Company ,as it follows several important steps:

  • First, the surface is prepared in that the facade surface must be clean and level in order to remove any dirt or distortions and ensure the levelness of the surface.
  •  High quality adhesives suitable for outdoor use must be used. These materials are used to effectively secure marble.
  • The work team places the marble by carefully arranging the marble pieces on the facade according to the chosen design, defining the corners and ensuring an equal distribution of the pieces.
  • The marble pieces are installed using specialized tools and precise techniques to ensure good bonding and avoid any unwanted movement.
  • Surface cleaning: The surface is cleaned after installation to remove any residue or adhesives. This contributes to maintaining the marble’s appearance and shine.
  • Final Finishes: Any final adjustments are made and the pieces are checked for balance and harmony. Anti-corrosion or stain-preventing materials may be added to ensure the marble withstands environmental influences.
  • This work should be done by experienced professionals in order to ensure the quality of installation and long-term durability of the marble.

Techniques for installing marble in interior facades

The pressing and fixing techniques used by Canada Real Estate Company in installing marble in effective interior facades so that the client obtains the desired result, are the following techniques:

  • Intense air pressure: The use of intense air pressure contributes to improving the bond between the marble pieces and the target surface, while providing ideal balance.
  • Interlocking techniques: Using interlocking techniques helps provide superior bonding between pieces, reducing the chances of cracking or unwanted movement.
  • Use of effective adhesives: Adopting adhesives that contain advanced technologies, ensuring good adhesion and effective fixation of the marble.
  • Blade stabilization system: Blade stabilization technology contributes to achieving perfect balance and stability of the pieces, and helps avoid unwanted movement.

The best tools and materials used in marble installation

Among the techniques used by Canada Real Estate Company to install marble is laser fine-tuning. The use of laser techniques for fine-tuning enhances the accuracy of guiding marble pieces and improves final consistency, in addition to the following:

  • Use of hydraulic pressure: Hydraulic pressure technology contributes to an even distribution of pressure, ensuring better stability of the parts on the surface.
  • Plastic cement installation techniques: The use of a special plastic cement that increases the bonding and fixing strength between the marble and the surface.
  • Using hydraulic paving equipment: Employing hydraulic paving equipment to smoothly press the marble pieces, ensuring accurate installation and evenness of the installation.
  • These technologies combine innovation and efficiency to achieve effective and sustainable installation of marble on destinations.

Advantages of Kenda Real Estate Company

There are many features that distinguish this company, which made it one of the first companies working in this field, and these features are represented in the following points:

  • Diversity of offers: Kinda Real Estate Company is distinguished by providing a wide variety of real estate options, whether for rent or sale, to meet the diverse needs of customers.
  • Experience and professionalism: Kinda Properties’ experience in the real estate market, and the professional work team, reflect a commitment to providing high-quality services and professional consultations to clients.
  • Wide network: The company provides a strong network of relationships with developers and investors, which contributes to providing exclusive offers and distinct investment opportunities.
  • Integrated Services: Kinda Properties offers comprehensive services that include marketing, real estate appraisal, and property management, providing a comprehensive customer experience.
  • Commitment to integrity and ethics: The company is distinguished by its commitment to standards of integrity and ethics in its dealings, which builds trust-based relationships with customers.

How to contact Canada Real Estate Company

You can contact Canada Real Estate Company, which is one of the best companies working in this field and provides many other services. Therefore, you can contact us through the company numbers in order to obtain many of the services and features that distinguish our company.

Read more: How to install a marble replacement easily!

Kenda Real Estate Company prices

How to install marble
How to install marble

There are many companies that work in these fields, but you will not find anything like our company, which is Canada Real Estate Company, which is considered one of the best companies that has a distinguished work team that provides many tasks that meet the needs of customers.

At the conclusion of our article, we talked about many details and information about how marble was installed by Kinda Properties.

price of installing a marble meter

What is the price of installing a marble meter and its advantages?

The price of installing a marble meter is what many people want to know, as marble is considered one of the products that cannot be subject to any fixed prices. However, there are many differences in the various types of marble and each type has a specific advantage over the rest of the other types, so There will be many changes in prices.

It is important to work on choosing any of the different types of marble. You must work on choosing the type you want, as work is done to calculate the value versus the price and many other factors. It is also worth that the prices for installation be one of the things that… It does not have a fixed value because it is subject to many factors that can be changed.

price of installing a marble meter

price of installing a marble meter
price of installing a marble meter

The price of installing a marble meter varies according to the type of work. For example, installing marble on stairs is the most expensive among the types of work, while installing it on walls is the most expensive. In addition, the price of installation varies according to the type of marble, as the cost can range Installing plain Galala marble on stairs costs between 50 and 65 pounds, and on floors about 95 pounds.

While the price of installing Galala marble of the lobe type varies, reaching 85 pounds on floors and 110 pounds on walls, and the cost increases if Breccia marble is used, as the price of installing it on stairs reaches 120 pounds, on floors it reaches 140 pounds, and on walls it reaches 170 pounds. . 

What is marble?

After knowing the price of installing a marble meter, it is necessary to get to know marble, which is one of the types of limestone rocks that consists of calcite, and this is done relying on marble as it is one of the materials that are known and are being used in building facade design. Luxury homes because they have an attractive appearance that adds great value to the place.

Many countries are working on the production of marble, including Brazil, Palestine, Turkey, Italy and many other countries, and what can distinguish marble is its luxurious appearance. Marble in the past was limited to its use inside palaces and luxurious places only, so it was not used by the most prominent people, but now it is for marble. Many uses.

Components of marble when crystallizing

Marble is formed after lime crystallizes, in addition to the fact that natural marble is composed of the element calcite, and there are many types of natural marble that can be composed of various types of rocks, but the idea is that the marble remains one in the end.

There is green marble with veins, there is dolomite marble, there is also live stone marble, and many other types of marble with different shapes and sizes that arise without human intervention in their formation.

There is also a type of artificial marble, which is made of acrylic, transparent resin, and various other components, and there is also marble made of polyester or acrylic that has been modified.

Types of marble 

After knowing the price of installing a meter of marble, you must know what types of marble are provided by Kinda Developmen Real Estate , as there is a wide range of types of marble, and each type is distinguished by its unique characteristics in terms of color, veins, and uses. Here are some popular types with some details:

  • Carrara marble is white with gray veins and is used in artwork and interior projects.
  • There is Calcutta marble, which is white in color with dark veins, and is used for luxurious decorations and artistic projects.
  • Also, Emperador marble has a dark brown to black color with white veins. It is used in flooring and interior decoration.
  • Verona marble is reddish brown with golden veins and is used for interior design and decoration.
  • Creamy Crema Marfil marble is common in interior floors and walls.
  • Brescia marble is a variety with rich veins, considered luxurious and used in decorative projects.
  • Zabra marble is black and white with an aquamarine effect. It is used in flooring and prominent decorations.

There are many other types, selecting marble depends on your design preferences and project needs.

Marble features

price of installing a marble meter
price of installing a marble meter

After knowing the price of installing a marble meter, we must be aware that there are many features that marble has, which is what made many customers want to use it in its use, and the most important of these features are the following:

  • Attractive appearance: Marble has a luxurious and attractive appearance, making it a popular choice in luxury decor design.
  • Variety of colors and patterns: Marble is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing designers to choose the option that matches any style or interior design.
  • Hardness and durability: Marble is a hard rock, which makes it durable and resistant to abrasion, and thus it can last for a long time.
  • Formability: Marble can be easily shaped to fit complex design requirements, making it suitable for a variety of applications.
  • Heat conduction: Marble is characterized by its ability to conduct heat well, which makes it suitable for use in places such as kitchens.
  • Ease of maintenance: Marble can be easily cleaned using appropriate materials, so its maintenance does not require much effort.
  • Sustainability: Marble can be reused and recycled, making it an environmentally friendly option.

Uses of marble

After knowing the price of installing a marble meter, we must be aware that marble is used in a wide range of applications because of its beauty and diversity. The uses of marble vary according to project designs and personal tastes, which makes it a multi-use material in the fields of construction and design. Among the most important uses of marble are the following: :

  • Flooring: Marble is commonly used for furnishing floors in homes, commercial buildings and hotels, adding a luxurious touch.
  • Walls and Walls: Marble is ideal for interior and wall cladding to add elegance and appeal.
  • Kitchens: Marble is used in kitchen design to decorate surfaces, such as floors, worktops, and even sinks.
  • Bathrooms: Marble is used in bathroom design for wall cladding, flooring, shower boxes and sinks.
  • Interior decoration: Marble is used in interior decoration design, such as column details, fireplaces, and stairs, to give an artistic and luxurious touch.
  • Art Projects: Marble is used in sculpture and art monuments to create distinct pieces of art.
  • Furniture: Marble is used to manufacture luxury furniture such as coffee tables, side tables, and modern design furniture.
  • Exterior design: Marble is used in exterior decorations to decorate courtyards, walkways, and statues.
  • Printers and chimneys: Marble is used in the construction of printers and chimneys to give a luxurious touch to buildings.

Read more: Advantages of Installing marble stairs

Marble installation technician

price of installing a marble meter
price of installing a marble meter

The price of installing a marble meter. The tasks of a marble installation technician include several aspects to ensure that the work is carried out effectively and with high quality, which requires experience and technical skills. Therefore, contracting with a marble installation technician with a good reputation and experience is an important step, and among the most important works he performs are:

  •  Measure spaces and evaluate conditions to ensure the marble fits and integrates with the specified design.
  •  Cleaning and preparing the receiving surfaces to ensure adhesion and prepare for the installation of marble.
  •  Use special tools to cut and shape marble based on the specified design.
  •  Place and install pieces with precision, paying attention to detail and harmony at various points.
  •  Use adhesives and fixing materials to ensure the stability of the marble and achieve proper cohesion.
  • Carrying out finishing and polishing operations to obtain an attractive final appearance and to maintain the quality of marble.
  • Inspect the completed work to ensure there are no defects and ensure high quality.
  • Clean up the site after installation and ensure the final finish is neat and attractive.

At the end of this article, we talked about the price of installing a marble meter, and all the important points surrounding it.