sanitation supplies

Supplying plumbing and sanitation supplies and their importance in establishment operations

The supply of plumbing and sanitation supplies is very important, as building plumbing is one of the important aspects of constructing homes or even commercial properties, as it directly affects the quality of water as well as its flow, in addition to determining the method of removing water waste. However, it is easy to ignore How important this aspect is and not enough time and effort is given to it.

Therefore, we have prepared this article that covers some of the main tips as well as consultations for preparing building plumbing. If you are planning to create a new property or even make some improvements to your current property, do not miss the opportunity to learn about all this useful and necessary information in order to ensure that you obtain a plumbing system. good.

Supply of plumbing and sanitation supplies

sanitation supplies
sanitation supplies

The importance of establishing building plumbing is one of the factors affecting the quality of life inside the home. When you choose the appropriate sanitary supplies and install them well, you will be able to maintain the health and comfort of your family. In addition, plumbing plays an important role in completing the construction project as quickly as possible. The quality of the materials used.

 The method of installation can affect all maintenance costs in the future. Therefore, focus must be placed on the quality of the design and all materials used in establishing the plumbing, in addition to ensuring that workers adhere to the best international practices and standards, and this is what Kinda Real Estate Company does.

The most important steps for establishing plumbing in bathrooms and kitchens

When you decide to equip building plumbing, whether this plumbing is bathrooms or kitchens, Kinda Real Estate Company works to supply plumbing and sanitation supplies. The steps followed require good planning and attention to all the minute details, including the following:

  •  The first step that must be followed is to review the number of pieces that you want to install, and this requires developing an accurate plan that includes all the plumbing needs.
  •  Then, the appropriate location for the sinks will be determined, as will the water pumping outlets, filters, and other sanitary ware, with accurate measurements and suitable for your needs.
  • The pipes will then be installed, all valves and other tools placed in the specified locations, and connected to the water and sewer lines.
  • Finally, the installation will be tested by running water to ensure that there are no leaks or damage to the various parts. Therefore, you must hire plumbing specialists who have the necessary experience and extensive knowledge to complete the work perfectly and on time.

Actions to pay attention to 

One of the most important works that must be paid attention to is that it affects the building as a whole in the event of any water leakage from any part of the plumbing. Therefore, Kenda Company works to supply plumbing and sanitation supplies, so you must pay attention to:

  • Determine all sanitary facilities, starting from the base of the bathroom, the sink, and the bathtub or jacuzzi in each bathroom. This is in addition to the location of the sink in the kitchen, and determining the location of the drain for the clothes washer and dishwasher, taking into account the installation of a service faucet for essentials.
  • Also, digging paths for supply and drainage pipes in the walls and floors, according to the specified locations, then cleaning the area from crushing residues. Therefore, the company works on supplying plumbing and sanitation supplies.
  • Also pay attention to making extensions inside the bathrooms and connecting a supply line from the roof to each bathroom or kitchen separately
  • Pipes are also installed using mortar, in addition to making extensions to the sewage and sewage network.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the presence of slopes in all drainage pipes in order to allow effective drainage.

The most important sanitary tools suitable for plumbing installation

sanitation supplies
sanitation supplies

Establishing plumbing in homes is not complete without using the appropriate sanitary tools to install it. Therefore, Kinda Real Estate Company works to supply plumbing and sanitation supplies, whose official page can be visited here in general, and the most prominent of these tools are the following:

  • These tools include materials used in installing pipes as well as water networks such as flanges, springs, copper plugs, sewers, and sewage pipes. Attention must also be paid to using tools for connecting water to dishes, walls, and faucets appropriate to the location and with sufficient water pressure.
  • It is also necessary to choose the appropriate tools for the materials used in the work, as well as their compatibility with the hydraulic cycle.
  •  It is also recommended to use high-quality materials in order to obtain a strong and durable plumbing system that will last a long time, and a warning against using inferior materials that can quickly cause damage to the system and reduce efficiency.
  •  In the end, it must be remembered that quality is the main factor in choosing the appropriate sanitary ware for plumbing installation, so you must ensure that it contains good warranties.

The most common mistakes in preparing building plumbing

It is necessary to pay attention to some of the common mistakes in preparing building plumbing in order to avoid problems and additional costs. Therefore, plumbing and sanitation supplies are supplied. The most prominent of these mistakes are:

  • One of these mistakes is not choosing the right plumber for the job who has sufficient experience and knowledge in this field.
  •  You must also pay attention to the interior design and all plumbing details so that this plan and implementation are of the highest quality in order to avoid leaks and water loss.
  •   You must also pay attention to using all sanitary tools and materials when installing plumbing and not to reduce its quality.
  •  We must also not forget how important it is to consult engineers and experts in preparing the home’s plumbing in the best possible way, so plumbing and sanitation supplies are supplied.

How important plumbing and electricity are in building homes

Without any doubt, plumbing and electrical maintenance are one of the very important things in building homes, as they constitute an essential part of the construction and establishment of the entire home. Since water and electricity are the essence of life, it is very important to provide all these services in the home in a proper and organized manner, so that the home owners can enjoy all the necessary comfort in their daily lives.

 Therefore, it is necessary to supply plumbing and sanitation supplies, and this is what Kinda Real Estate does. In addition to establishing building plumbing and electricity, it also includes doing the internal installations of the building units. This requires more work and effort, but with sufficient attention to detail, it is possible to build the dream home and provide all What it takes to live comfort and luxury.

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The most important tips for designing home decor

sanitation supplies
sanitation supplies

After completing the process of preparing the plumbing and electricity in building your home, it is your turn to design home decorations in order to transform it into a place that reflects your personality and makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Among the following tips:

  • All home decor design tips include choosing the right furniture for the rooms, all the right colors for the walls and floors, and the right lighting for the interior spaces.
  • It is also important for the interior designer to avoid all common mistakes such as choosing colors with sharp contrasts or overusing furniture.
  •  Special attention should also be given to the design of kitchens and the selection of appropriate items for them.
  • You must also remember that home interior design is a creative and artistic process that calls for choosing unique decorations that reflect your personality and provide a beautiful and comfortable home to live in.

At the end of the article, we talked about supplying plumbing and sanitation supplies and the most important tips that the company gives to adhere to the standards to achieve a successful reunification.

installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

The cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

Kinda Development Company is interested in providing many services for establishments at a very low cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing to suit all customers. The company is interested in providing the best engineers and experts in the field due to their extensive experience and skills to carry out all work and provide all the materials and tools necessary to carry out plumbing work at prices and costs commensurate with Client budget.

Installing any sanitary ware is considered a difficult and important step for all customers, so we are keen to provide it in an ideal way that suits the customers’ tastes. Through this article, we will talk about the costs that the company sets to suit the needs of customers.

The cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing
installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

Plumbing establishment work must be taken care of with all professionalism and skill in the first stages, by using the best materials, tools and equipment used in the establishment, because good establishment helps provide many financial savings over very long periods, and in most cases the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing may be very large and requires… To a lot of money.

But with Kinda Development Company, which can provide you with all the tools of high-quality materials that maintain the quality of the plumbing establishment at prices that suit your budget. The customer can also pay through monthly or annual installments, which is determined according to many factors:

  • The area of ​​the place and the number of kitchens and bathrooms in it.
  • The number of facilities that must be installed.
  • Materials used in kitchen and bathroom plumbing foundation work.
  • The number of workers available to carry out all the work with high experience and knowledge of all steps and a solution to the difficulties that the technician may face.
  • Despite this, all prices remain suitable for all groups in society, as Kinda Company provides its services at distinguished prices and high quality.

Criteria for determining the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

Before starting any of the plumbing establishment steps, you must ensure that you choose the company capable of providing the engineers and technicians working to carry out the plumbing establishment process and the tools that are used in installation and connection. The most important steps are the following:

  • Plumbing installation in the kitchen and bathroom depends on extensions from various pipes to all bathroom and kitchen facilities.
  • There are some necessary tools that are used in plumbing installations, such as pipes, drain elbows, sinks, bathroom facilities, and all its accessories.
  • The cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing depends primarily on the type and material of the materials used and the selection of appropriate tools for the installations.
  • Most of the time, the cost of the space of small bathrooms and kitchens differs from the space of large bathrooms and kitchens, in addition to floor insulation.

Plumbing finishing works

One of the first steps for plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen is to establish the specific areas for sinks, sewer pipes, water pipes, and other facilities. Plumbing finishing work is divided into two stages:

  • The first is the foundation stage, during which all work related to excavation, determining the locations of extensions, and beginning the extension of pipes and sanitary ware is completed.
  • The second stage is the plumbing finishing stage. This stage is considered the final stage in which all bathroom and kitchen facilities are installed, including bathtubs and various plumbing tools .

Plumbing finishing stages for bathroom and kitchen

When you cooperate with Kinda Development Company, you do not have to worry about those difficult steps in installing and finishing the plumbing, as the company will take care of all the steps and complete them perfectly and with high precision, as the company follows a precise and thoughtful plan to carry out the plumbing work perfectly through a distinguished work team, and among the steps of finishing the plumbing the next:

  • Places for crushing and drilling are determined before completing the insulation process by specialized engineers so that none of the drilling causes damage to the insulating material.
  • The specialist also tests the quality of the insulating material before starting finishing to ensure the quality and durability of the pipes.
  • Sanitary ware, including pipes and other high-quality materials, is used so that it is not exposed to any damage or corrosion later.
  • Pay attention to choosing the appropriate valves for the mixers before starting the installation so that the technician does not resort to breaking again and increasing the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing for the customer.
  • Separate drainage is made for the air conditioning devices from the rest of the drainage for the units in the place.
  • All types of sinks and corner sinks must be determined before starting to carry out finishing plumbing work.
  • Ensure that drainage exits are properly identifie

Steps to feed pigeon devices

installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing
installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

The company begins supplying the bathroom appliances immediately after completing the previous installation and finishing process, especially upon completion of extending the networks. The most important steps for supplying the bathroom appliances are the following:

  • Feeding the bathroom sink begins with the height of the bathroom sink being above ground level or the height between the ceramic tile and the sink reaching 80 cm, so that the outlets of the cold and hot mixers are fed at a level of 50 cm with a distance of about 12 cm between them.
  • The basin’s water mixer is installed up to 20 cm into the external wall.
  •  Then the next stage begins, which is feeding the toilet through two outlets, one for the flush and the other for the bidet.
  • The lines connecting the two exits must be vertical.
  • The technician begins feeding the heater, especially the electric heater, at a height of 140 cm made of ceramic.

Suitable heights for drain outlets 

You must verify the measurements of the distances and heights between the sewer outlets before starting any finishing work so as not to increase the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing, according to:

  • The height of the heater outlets is 140 to 150 cm above the finishing level.
  • The height of the kitchen mixer outlets is between 20 and 25 cm above the edge of the sink for wall installations.
  • The appropriate height for the edge of the kitchen sink is about 90 cm above the finishing level.
  • The appropriate height for the drainage level is about 50 cm from the edge of the ground.
  • The distance between the hot and cold mixer outlets is not less than 15 cm.
  • The appropriate height for the bathroom sink is 80 cm above the finishing level.
  •  The height of the wiring elbow should be 65 cm from the ground.

Types of pipes suitable for the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

The company is interested in providing the best types of pipes that suit the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing within the customers’ budget. These pipes include:

  • Polypropylene pipes.
  • Iron pipes.
  • Cast pipes.
  • Aluminum plastic pipes.
  • PVC pipes.

Read more: Marble sink installation work

Tips for establishing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing
installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing

You should follow some of the advice that Kenda Company provides to all its customers to ensure that they receive high-quality service and the lowest cost of bathroom and kitchen plumbing installation, by following the following:

  • All specific divisions for the locations of installations must be followed, whether for sinks or for valves and other sanitary ware.
  • Familiarity with all divisions of pipes, whether drain pipes or supply pipes, to avoid any errors or problems when installing screws on any of the bathroom and kitchen facilities and tools.
  • Ensure the quality of the insulation process, because it is very important to protect floors from cracking and moisture.
  • You must use a specialized company that understands all the standards followed for the safety of plumbing installations, and is able to provide insulation services of the highest quality.
  • View all prices for the tools and materials needed to establish the entire plumbing, to determine the materials that suit your budget.
  • Understand the basics of plumbing, which the company has previously explained through this article, so that you can follow all the work and be assured of its quality.
  • Before starting the plumbing installation, you must determine the number of pieces to be installed in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • You must be aware of the method used for installation, which is either with putty or cement mortar, so that the pipes are not exposed to any damage such as breakage.
  • All specified distances between the aforementioned sewer pipes must be observed.

Thus, we have concluded this article by specifying all the criteria that determine the cost of installing bathroom and kitchen plumbing, provided by Kinda Development.

Plumbing supplies

Plumbing supplies and sanitary ware

Plumbing supplies and sanitary ware must be present in every home, as plumbing tools play an essential role in the tasks that make up plumbing, whether this is installing a comprehensive piping system or fixing a simple leak in the sink, it is very important to know how each of them works and its characteristics

as well as Sanitary ware and basic materials play an essential role in the home, as domestic water is obtained through it. It is also used in daily life, for drinking, washing, and other things. Also, used water is drained through it. All of these supplies can be obtained through a company. kinda development.

Plumbing supplies and sanitary ware

Plumbing supplies
Plumbing supplies

Through the following lines, we will learn about plumbing supplies and sanitary ware, as plumbing contains a different group of tools or utensils that complete any installation, repair, or maintenance. In order to begin knowing each of them, it is important to understand some of the categories and discover their functions and also their characteristics:

Plumbing tools parts

Their primary task may be to make all kinds of cuts on a variety of materials or surfaces, including the following:

  • Saw

    • The saw consists of a blade with a serrated edge attached to a plastic or rubber handle, for better grip. 
    • The saw is used to cut a variety of materials so the blade can come in a variety of presentations.
  • Pipe cutter

    • A pipe cutter is one of the plumber’s main tools. 
    • It is used to partially or completely cut circular pipes from drainage systems.

Clamping or adjusting tools

Plumbing tools are used to hold, adjust and join various items at the time of installation, repair or at the time of maintenance of some work:

Parrot beak pliers

  • The parrot beak pincer has its distinctive name derived from the shape of its head, and it has many uses to perform various tasks. 
  • It is perfect for holding and adjusting endless items in a variety of thicknesses.

Teflon tape

  • This tool is considered a type of adhesive tape that is used to tightly connect or close the joints between pipes. 
  • Its primary function is to prevent leakage in pipes and valves. 
  • They are also used in threads, faucets, faucets, etc.


  • The wrench is considered the most commonly used plumbing tool, as when you use it you can perform many actions, including loosening or adjusting nuts and bolts. 
  • It also has a mechanism to adapt to various activities.
  • It is considered one of the most important plumbing supplies and sanitary ware

Stilson key

  • The Stillson wrench has a higher resistance construction, making it ideal for tightening, loosening or adjusting large or highly resistant parts. 
  • The Stilson wrench has two rows of teeth to avoid sweeping, thus retaining material better.

Key chain

  • The type of wrench that has a steel shank and a pivot on which the chain hook is hung. 
  • A chain wrench is used to install pipes and other items for which there is no special tool.

Pressure detection or release tools

Plumbing supplies
Plumbing supplies

Plumbing tools have the function of detecting or eliminating difficulties in various places, including pipes and toilets. We will learn about these tools through the following lines:

Toilet drilling tool

  • It is considered one of the most important plumbing supplies and sanitary ware
  • Toilet drilling is used to remove toilet clogs from any type of material.

Flange plunger tool

  • This is like a plunger, this plunger is used for blockage. 
  • It has a rubber suction cup with various levels, it is perfect for unclogging toilets with large clogs.

Compression pliers

  • It is considered one of the most important plumbing supplies and sanitary ware.
  • Compression pliers are a type of tweezers that can be installed when you want to twist, cut or tear some materials.

Gaskets and washers

Gaskets and washers are pieces made of a variety of materials and are used to prevent leaks in faucets and threads.

Tap valve seat

  • The primary task of the faucet valve seat is to extract and install faucet valves in a variety of places.
  • Although they are very simple tools, it is important to keep them in perfect condition, and you can get all of these tools through Kinda Development
  • Always remember to clean and dry it after use, and also store it in clean and dry places.

Types of sanitary ware 

The types of sanitary ware may vary according to the mechanism of their use and the benefit sought from them, and among the most prominent and widespread are the use of the following:


  • The sinks are made of polished porcelain or porcelain.
  • In the home, they are usually installed on the side of the wall or placed in a wooden frame to add an aesthetic view. 

Pot cleaning sinks

  • Utensil cleaning sinks are made of stainless steel, polished porcelain, or both materials.
  • The shapes of dishwashers may vary in shape and type, some with one basin and some with two basins.
  • All of them have in common the provision of openings for the possibility of installing water mixers, and it is opened to drain excess water. 


  • Bathtubs are made of polished cast iron or reinforced plastic, and sometimes they are built and equipped according to the customer’s desire.
  • They vary in shape, some are longitudinal, some are circular, and some are square. You can get the best bathtubs through Kinda Development


  • Toilets are made of glazed porcelain or glazed cast iron, and come in a variety of shapes, colours, types and sizes.
  • It is divided into two basic types: the eastern toilet and the western toilet. 


The bidets are made of polished ceramic or porcelain and are in the shape of an oval basin with a water sprinkler attached to it so that clean water can exit, and there are holes through which used water comes out to keep the basin clean. 

What are the specifications of sanitary ware? 

After we learned about the most important plumbing supplies and sanitary ware in detail, we will talk about the specifications of sanitary ware through the following points:

  • Sanitary ware is non-reactive with water and its salts. 
  • It is made of heat-resistant materials, including porcelain, to prevent it from melting or spoiling. 
  • Sanitary ware is made of very strong and durable materials. 
  • Their shapes are easy to use, and they are easy to clean. 
  • You can get all your plumbing supplies and sanitary ware through Kinda Development ,the best company ever.

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What is the importance of continuous maintenance of sanitary ware? 

Plumbing supplies
Plumbing supplies
  • Maintain it for the longest possible periods of time. 
  • Preserving the building and reducing water waste, because water leaks under the tiles lead to their collapse within a short period of time. 
  • Avoid any interactions with water, because these interactions produce toxic substances that harm general human health.

Here we have reached the conclusion of our article, through which all plumbing supplies and sanitary ware have been identified, and all of these supplies can be purchased through Kinda Development, the best company ever.