General contracting and finishing

General contracting and finishing

Kinda Company works to provide various General contracting and finishing services that many people need, which is considered one of the fields of the engineering and architectural sector. Contracting companies build all types of facilities and buildings, including residential buildings, tourist villages, and many other projects.

The role of contracting companies is characterized by diversity, as they have great capabilities and capabilities that qualify them to implement various projects in more than one field. For example, they can build commercial and residential buildings, and develop infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and airports, in addition to implementing industrial and energy projects. Through this article, we will explain The most important criteria on the basis of which the best distinguished contracting company is selected.

General contracting and finishing

General contracting and finishing
General contracting and finishing

Kinda Development offers a range of distinguished services in the field of general contracting and finishing, which can be requested at any time. These services are as follows:

Building Contracting

The company creates all types of metal structures and reinforced concrete, in addition to constructing metal building foundations by using the finest types of reinforced iron, which is known for its high efficiency. It also pays great attention to the various building foundations, whether they are bricks or concrete, or in terms of the tools used. The quality of all can be noted. The buildings that the company has implemented, whether residential buildings, villas, palaces or houses, in addition to the company’s distinction in building companies, hospitals, clubs, schools and hotels at the highest level of professionalism and precision.

Restoration work

The company provides various restoration works for various facilities, whether residential buildings, commercial centers, hotels, schools, government facilities, and many others, where the damaged electrical and plumbing works are examined and repaired, in addition to identifying the quality of the building, examining the gas systems, and the building’s interior and exterior decorations, all through the assistance of engineers and technicians. Who have sufficient experience to use appropriate inspection equipment

Plumbing contracting

Kinda Company provides various services for constructing drainage networks of all types and sizes. An integrated network of sewer pipes and water pipes is created in a very professional manner. For this reason, it has provided a team of specialists in the field of plumbing and pipe construction, with training on the use of all equipment and tools.

The company also provides a detailed picture of water measurements by employing a full team of highly experienced and competent engineers, so that you can obtain detailed plans and studies about the upper and lower tanks that are located in the building, in addition to a plan of sewage pipes, swimming pool drains, and other high-quality plans. Precision.

Evaluation and inspection of buildings

This service is considered one of the most important services provided by the company for general contracting and finishing. Customers can obtain comprehensive inspection services for buildings to be purchased or sold, along with submitting a full report that includes the defects found in them and the appropriate methods for repairing them, in addition to their cost, with high credibility and transparency.

If you are the buyer, you have the full right to know all the information related to the building before purchasing it, and to negotiate the price if there are any defects in it. However, if you are the seller, you will be able to fix the defects and problems that exist in the building, which will help in doubling its price or asking for the appropriate price. Comfortably for you.

Finishing contracting

The company Kinda works to provide various general contracting and finishing services to its clients for various facilities, whether they are houses, villas, palaces, commercial centers, clubs, or starting from conservatory, plumbing and electrical works to modern and advanced decoration works and all painting works.

Electrical contracting

Electrical installations are considered one of the most important matters that require high precision and extreme care during the finishing period, because any error in them could put the lives of all people in the building at risk.

What is meant by subcontractor? 

A subcontractor is a form of general contracting and finishing. He is a contractor who possesses the same skills as a general contractor, but with less experience, level, or even available resources. Some subcontractors are originally main contractors, but they receive side projects as subcontractors from time to time. To another. 

The subcontractor can be defined as the contractor who is used to complete the assigned executive works that require more professional than administrative skills. He is the person to whom the tasks are delegated through cooperation with the main contractor. 

The subcontractor is similar to the freelancer whose craft services are used because of their quality and extreme specialization, which vary between general contracting services, finishing, plumbing, electricity, and security services, in addition to cleaning, carpentry, and construction, in addition to the tasks of insulation, steel installation, heating, air conditioning, and other works.

The difference between a general contractor and a subcontractor 

General contracting and finishing
General contracting and finishing

The general contractor differs from the subcontractor in the following: 

Work limits

The tasks of the general contractor in the field of general contracting and finishing can be described as more comprehensive and general tasks than what is delegated to the subcontractor, and they also bear more of an administrative nature rather than an executive one, like the latter. 

Administration method

The general contractor is managed by the main project owner while the subcontractor is managed by the general contractor.

Limitation of liability

The general contractor is first and last responsible for any problem or error that occurs in the project, while the subcontractor is only responsible for his tasks.


A general contractor is like an employee who is driven by the complexities and tasks assigned to him by his company, while a subcontractor is an independent worker who has the freedom to choose or reject tasks.

The method of work

The general contractor is not required to send periodic reports on everything he does, but the subcontractor must periodically send updates related to the development of the work, its costs, what it has spent, and the money it needs.


The general contractor’s wage is determined in advance during the contracting process with the organization to which the project is affiliated, while the subcontractor’s wage is determined from the entire budget that was established for the project. 

Safety limits

The general contractor enjoys some privileges related to obtaining health and safety insurance from the agency to which the project belongs, but subcontractors struggle to obtain the same privilege and often do not obtain it in non-professional departments.


General contractor skills are professional and administrative skills in addition to a set of personal skills related to negotiation and communication with the team as well as managing them in an intelligent and effective manner. As for subcontractor skills, they are largely shaped into craft skills specific to the tasks entrusted to them due to their quality in them.

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Communication with customers

General contracting and finishing
General contracting and finishing

The subcontractor has more flexibility and freedom than the general contractor, because the limits of his communication with others stop when dealing with the general contractor. As for the general contractor, he is the first and last responsible in the process of negotiating with customers and providing the service that suits their needs.

At the end of this article, we have presented the most important general contracting and finishing services provided by Kenda Company, in addition to clarifying the difference between a general contractor and a subcontractor.