Installing electrical wiring

Installing electrical wiring in the house 

Kinda Development Company provides the best service in installing electrical wiring in the home, as it is a specialized company and seeks to provide all the services necessary for the customer’s needs and requirements. Installing electrical wiring is also one of the important matters that must be taken care of and connected correctly so that no damages or risks occur

as it may cause Wires bend when separated from each other and their temperature rises, causing a fire. Therefore, you must pay close attention when installing wires and know how to connect them correctly and appropriately to avoid any problem. Through our article, we will learn about the steps that must be followed to install electrical wires properly. 

Steps to install electrical wiring at home 

Installing electrical wiring
Installing electrical wiring

Many people want to know the correct way to install electrical wires at home, as installing electrical wires is one of the important matters that must be taken care of and it occupies many people in order for electricity to work properly, as it is one of the necessities of life, and also because if there is any error in the installation, this may lead to Exposure to several risks.

In order to avoid these problems, you must deal with Kinda Development Company , which provides the service of installing electrical wires in the home with high quality and efficiency, by a distinguished, experienced and highly skilled work team in the field, where several specific and deliberate steps are followed to perform the electrical wiring installation service efficiently and with high quality, among the most prominent. These steps that are followed are as follows:

Disconnect the electricity 

This step is one of the first and most important steps that must be followed before connecting any electrical wire. Therefore, the energy supplier must be asked to disconnect the power from the house or at least disconnect the electrical wires from the meter. 

Installing the electrical panel 

The electrical panel must be installed in a place suitable for access by people who are likely to enter, such as the electricity supplier, by using a screwdriver and a hammer. After that, holes are made in the wiring board and the wires are passed through fastening the clips. 

After that, the copper lugs of the rods are removed, the red wire is placed in the rod, and the black wire is placed in the other rod, then the lugs and the white wire are connected to the silver rod for connection. 

Connection setup 

The metal ground rod is placed in the soil and an 8-gauge copper wire is passed from the panel to the rod. After that, one end of the wire is connected using a ground clamp, and the other end is connected to the ground rod on the electrical panel. If the water pipes reach the house, a search must be made for the nearest ground rod. Connect it to the pipes by using another wire measuring 8. 

Add a circuit breaker 

All electrical circuits in the house must be connected to the electrical panel through a circuit breaker and each wire must be passed through the hole in the panel on which the clip is installed. After that, the white wire is connected to the silver rod for connection and the ground wire to the ground rod for connection. The black wire is specialized in disconnecting breakers in a group. Certain. 

Improving the circuit breaker 

At this stage, the wires available from the panel must be directed by making holes in the floor and walls and designing the necessary circuits to cut the appropriate length of wire, while preventing excessive load on the cutter by attaching multiple elements. After that, wall screws, ceiling beams, and floor supports are used to connect the wires and avoid Any problems may occur due to loose wires.

Install the electrical box 

At this stage, the electrical box must be installed and attached to every place where there is a light or switch. In most cases, these boxes are attached to wooden beams or supports. However, if the wall is already enclosed, it is possible to have the box attached directly to the wall. 

Be aware of wire size 

The size of the wires is determined based on the circuit breaker, as a 14-gauge wire may be used for 10 and 15 amp breakers, while a thick 12-gauge wire may require 20 amp breakers, and a 10-gauge wire may require a breaker to be powerful, reaching 30 amps, while In the case of a wire that is size 8, it may require a breaker with a power of up to 50 amps, and it is worth noting that every 240 volt device must be on a special circuit. 

Signs that indicate problems with electrical wiring 

Installing electrical wiring
Installing electrical wiring

After we learned the steps to install electrical wires in the home correctly to avoid any risks, we must pay attention to some signs that may indicate problems with the electrical connections to the wires. The most prominent of these signs are the following:

Movement of breakers 

There are many modern homes that are equipped with the latest circuit breakers instead of the electrical box. It is common for the circuit breaker to trip and close automatically, and if this happens frequently and frequently, it may be the result of overload. 

Weak lights 

This problem is a common problem in old homes, especially homes that contain modern appliances and equipment such as a microwave oven, as most of the time the lamp light is weak, so the lighting fixtures must be tested. 

The lights make a buzzing sound 

If the light bulb makes a buzzing sound when it is turned on, this is likely due to a damaged wire. Also, if you feel a light and weak sound when the light is turned on, this may be a sign of the beginning of a serious electrical problem. In this case, the examination must be carried out by a specialized electrician. And with experience in the field. 

High temperature of the outlets 

It is preferable that the outlets are not electrical, as if the temperature of these outlets rises, this may lead to the beginning of a serious electrical problem. Therefore, they must be examined quickly to avoid any problems or damage, by seeking the help of an electrician specialized in the field. 

There is a burning smell 

In the event that there is a burning smell, where an odor is smelled indicating burning plastic, this sign indicates a defect in the wiring, and it must be examined and repaired directly so that the problem does not increase and result in any serious damage or risks, through the assistance of a specialized electrician with great experience and competence. In the field, he works to inspect and repair defects in the wires with high skill and accuracy without causing any problems or damage. 

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Tools used in installing wires 

Installing electrical wiring
Installing electrical wiring

Some necessary tools must be used in order to install electrical wiring in the house correctly. The most important of these tools used in the process of installing electrical wiring are the following: 

  • Electric screwdriver. 
  • Wire cutter used to cut wires to the appropriate length. 
  • Cable clamp used to connect and fix wires. 
  • Ampere balance. 
  • Pliers for holding wires. 

At the conclusion of our article, we learned about the steps to install electrical wiring in the home correctly and the most important signs that indicate a problem with the electrical wiring. We also learned that Kinda Development Company is the best company in providing the service of installing electrical wiring in your home.