Installing marble over ceramic

Installing marble over ceramic

Many people are searching for a way to install marble over ceramic, as the process of Installing marble over ceramic is one of the important processes and steps that must be completed perfectly in building and construction projects for various buildings

as the process of installing marble requires special and precise professional skills in order to ensure Obtaining a result with a high level of quality and efficiency, and all of this is available at Kinda Development Company, as we provide all installation services for different marble slabs on ceramic, floors, walls, and different surfaces. In this article, we present to you how to install marble on ceramic with good steps.

 Installing marble over ceramic

Installing marble over ceramic
Installing marble over ceramic

Kinda Development Company offers many marble and granite installation services, whether on ceramics, walls, floors and various facades, as marble is considered one of the finest materials that the company uses. If you want to perform the best level of home or company finishes, the ideal step is to contact our company, which It provides a range of the best services, including installing marble over ceramic by following the following steps: 

Surface cleaning

Cleaning the surface is considered one of the first steps in installing marble over ceramic. The ceramic must be cleaned well and then dried. The company uses a special marble cleaner until all dirt, fats and grease are eliminated from the surface.

Area measurement

It is necessary to measure the area that will be covered by the marble and to determine the exact dimensions that relate to the marble in each concentration.

Cutting marble

After completing this step, the marble is then cut to the required dimensions using a cutting machine. It is worth noting that the marble that was cut must be of correct and equal sizes so that it can be installed correctly.

Apply the adhesive

When installing marble over ceramic, a layer of adhesive is placed on the ceramic using tweezers or an adhesive comb. The adhesive is also distributed on the surface in an even manner, making sure that the best adhesive material for marble is used in this process. It is also ensured that there are no gaps or spaces. Empty.

Marble placement

The marble is then carefully placed on top of the ceramic, making sure that it is distributed evenly and regularly. It is necessary to press the marble gently with a rubber mallet to ensure that it adheres well to the adhesive.

Edge finishing

After finishing placing the marble on the ceramic, the edges are finished using finishing equipment and devices related to obtaining the best, cleanest and most professional edges.

Marble adhesive to ceramic

After we showed you the method of installing marble over ceramic, we present to you the best materials that are used to adhere marble to ceramic well, as these materials provide tremendous adhesive strength that fixes the marble safely and permanently for a long time on the ceramic surface, and there are a set of many important points about the material. Pasting marble on ceramic:

Specialized installation

Marble adhesive materials can come in different shapes, and the uses and properties of each of them also differ, as it is necessary to choose the appropriate material depending on the place and surface on which the marble will be installed. There are many adhesives in general, and there are those that specialize in marble adhesives.

Adhesion strength

One of the most important advantages that the adhesive possesses is its strength in adhesion, as it is necessary for the adhesive to the marble to provide a high degree of adhesion in order to ensure the stability of the marble on the ceramic without moving from its place or falling.

Moisture resistant

Installing marble over ceramic

Marble can be exposed to water or moisture after the process of installing marble over ceramic is completed. For this reason, the adhesive must be characterized by its great ability to resist moisture in order to ensure that it will not be negatively affected and continue to maintain its stability.

Ease of application

It is essential that marble adhesives are easy to apply, implement and distribute over the surface.

Fast drying

It is necessary for the adhesive to dry quickly in order to make it possible to continue the process of installing and finishing the marble on the ceramic, as quick drying helps save a lot of time and effort.

Cleaning and maintenance

The marble adhesive must be easy to clean and maintain so that the shape and beauty of the marble are maintained no matter how much time passes.

Planning and measuring before installation

Before the process of installing marble on ceramic begins, it is necessary to follow a strict plan of correct and organized planning and measuring in order to obtain the most accurate and strong results. Among the most prominent steps that must be followed in planning and measuring before the process of installing marble on ceramic are:

Area measurement

The area that the workers will cover with marble must be determined using the standard tape with precision in order to avoid any error in the calculations.

Determine dimensions

It is necessary that the dimensions of the marble be determined accurately by the cutting machine, and that no space or void should be left.


Before you begin the process of installing marble on ceramic, it is necessary to plan the space that must be covered with marble. You must also determine the type of marble suitable for placing on ceramic, and also plan how to install it and the tools and devices needed for that.


The surface on which you want to install marble must be well prepared by cleaning, polishing, and drying it with all care and care.


It is considered one of the most important steps of measuring and planning that takes place before the installation process, which is preparing all the tools, equipment and devices necessary for the process, whether it is the adhesive material, adhesive forceps, the adhesive comb, as well as the cutting device and finishing tools.

It is recommended that you pay attention to all the details of planning and measuring so that you can obtain the best professional and skillful results.

The best types of marble for ceramic installation

In addition to showing you how to install marble over ceramic, we present to you the types of marble that are used to install it over ceramic, as there is a large group of various types of marble that you can use in the process of installing ceramic, but you must choose from them what suits the project you want to undertake. The most prominent of these types are the following: 

Carrara marble 

It is a type of well-known Italian marble that is distinguished by its elegant white color, and it is one of the most common types of marble used to be installed on ceramics.

Calacatta marble 

Installing marble over ceramic
Installing marble over ceramic

It is similar to Carrara marble in terms of white color, but it has golden, gray, or brown flowers, and it is considered one of the most luxurious and expensive types.

Read more: Marble kitchen installation

Imperial Marble 

It is characterized by having a creamy white color and black lines that give a touch of elegance and luxury.

At the conclusion of this article, we have presented to you everything you would like to know about the method of installing marble over ceramic, which is considered one of the best services provided by our company.